Why the hell would developing countries and underdeveloped countries want to clean up our messes around the world. And specifically the Ukraine debacle. Why would India? Why would china. Why would Africa or South American. Why! The Europeans, they back our most current hegemonic adventure and our many other militaristic ones. They should pay. Those that play should be the ones that pay. Disagree with your analysis and resolutions.


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Are you aware of the reaction by the USA to South Africa's position? Researching a current Congressional Bill led me to asking, "Who controls South Africa?" https://www.mikehampton.co.uk/p/who-controls-south-africa-part-1-brenthurst

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How do you propose to end the war? Reconstruction will be the easy part, lots of money to be made, I want to know the progressive means to end it and ensure lasting peace between RU and UA.

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